
Grilling Mahi Mahi
One of the Finest and Sustainable Fish for the Grill

Grilling Mahi Mahi is one of our favorites of all fish. Perfect for the grill, flavorful, flaky and one of the most sustainable of the wild fish. Not only that, it can be the most fun to catch~ if you get the chance. My kids and I love fishing for Mahi. Whether you catch or buy it, you will enjoy grilling Mahi Mahi.

One important note, check out our other fish pages too! Many of the sauces and preparations work super for Mahi Mahi!

Grilled Mahi Mahi with Chipotle Sauce

One of our favorite Cabo style recipes for grilling Mahi Mahi.

4 servings

4 six to eight ounce pieces filet of Mahi Mahi

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 teaspoons garlic finely chopped

2 teaspoons your favorite mild rub, Randy’s Red Rub or paprika

salt and pepper to taste

Prepare your grill for a nice hot direct fire. Rub your fish with the garlic, sprinkle with the rub and oil well for the grill.

Grill your Mahi Mahi, it cooks fairly quickly since it is generally not that thick. Cook your Mahi Mahi medium rare or no more than medium.

Remove from grill and plate on top of the following Grilled Tomato and Chipotle Sauce. Serve with some rice, refried or black beans and warm tortillas. Makes me homesick for Cabo!

Grilled Tomato and Chipotle Sauce

This sauce is great for grilling Mahi Mahi, but also tuna, ono or wahoo. Awesome on shrimp!

2 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon butter (optional)

6 cloves garlic

1 small onion sliced around ¼ inch

3 fresh ripe tomatoes, washed and cored. Roma or plum tomatoes work well for this.

2 tablespoons chipotle in adobo finely chopped

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon Mexican oregano

½ teaspoon ground black pepper

1 tablespoon cilantro finely chopped

½ teaspoon kosher salt

Heat your grill to high heat or coals for direct grilling. Rub you tomatoes with the one tablespoon of the olive oil using tongs, place the tomatoes on the hottest part of the grill. Grill them until the skin is blackened and peeling on all sides. Don’t incinerate them, just a nice grilling. This gives a great smoky flavor. Remove the tomatoes from the grill and cool them. Peel most, not all the blackened skin of the tomatoes off.

In a sauté pan heat the remaining tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat. Add the whole garlic cloves and sauté them for five to seven minute into they show a bit golden on the sides. Add the butter to the pan and the onions. (Note – if not using the butter add one more tablespoon of olive oil now) Saute the onions for around 5 minute or until clear. Roughly chop the grilled tomatoes and add to the pan stir or toss. Add the cumin, oregano black pepper and salt, sauté for a couple of minutes.

Place all into a food processor or blender and blend. Adjust the salt and this is ready to go. Listo!

A word about sustainable seafood choices....

Our oceans are under pressure, whether from poor fishing practices to oil spills. We can maintain our fisheries is we make our choices responsibly. Interestingly enough, many of these choice are actually better as far as the quality of the seafood.

Buying line caught wild fish, fish raised properly and many different facets. I am not the expert, but the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program is and they have great information available to everyone.

Check it out!

Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch

Do you have a great Ono or Wahoo recipe? How about a Wahoo fishing story? Share it and you can win a set of spice rubs!

Do you have a great Wahoo or Ono Recipe?We suggest that your recipe be grilled, but if you have something that is just a knock out recipe, share it.

Do you have a great Wahoo or Ono fishing story? Even share your pictures! Share it with us and you will be eligible to win a set of our Spice Rubs!

Then check back and see what our great grillers have to say about your famous recipe or fish story!

We will select the best recipe and/or fish story based on great griller comments and our recipe test, in the case of a great fish story well it needs to be a GREAT fish story!

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Cumin rubbed wahoo 
Had something like this in Hawaii. I rub the wahoo with Cumin and pan sear it in olive oil. I then add a dry white wine and a bit of chicken broth and …

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