
Grilling Lobster is a special event!

Grilling Lobster with Lemon Vanilla Buerre Blanc

This sauce recipe below is a great recipe for grilled lobster, lobster tails or Maine Lobsters. The actual lobster is simple with just a little salt for seasoning. Prepare your lobster for the grill. If using lobster tails, you can prepare the tails as shown on the lobster page, or as photographed above ~ out of the shell. If grilling the lobster tail out of the shell, I use a metal or bamboo skewer to keep the tail from curling up or twisting. 

Prepare your fire, for medium high heat and have a cooler zone to move the tails to if they are large or really thick. You do not want the lobster too charred especially for this recipe.

Prepare your sauce before grilling lobster and keep in a warm place. I like to serve this dish with a simple pasta, angel hair or a three cheese ravioli.

Check out our quick YouTube Video on splitting and grilling Lobster Tails 

Check out our page showing how to clean and prepare your lobster tails

Lemon Vanilla Buerre Blanc

This lobster sauce is for lack of a better word, sexy. It is not that hard, but does take your attention. But I guarantee that your guests will love it, if not your cardiologist. This sauce is for grilled lobster, grilled shrimp and grilled scallops. Keep the other seasonings simple, just a little salt.

1 1/2 vanilla beans cut in half, use real vanilla beans, extract does not come out nearly as well.

1/4 cup white wine

Split the vanilla beans, place them in a small sauté or sauce pan with the white wine. Bring to boil then turn off, let the beans steep in the wine. After ten minute or so, take a small paring knife and scrape the inside of the beans, there are little vanilla seeds inside. They look like little black dots, scrape them in to the white wine. Let all soak in the wine for 30 minutes more.

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

2 tablespoons shallots finely chopped

1/2 cup white wine

2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream

5 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into one tablespoon pieces

1 tablespoon of lemon zest (yellow part only) grated on a very fine grater or micro-plane.

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Salt to taste

To assemble the sauce, melt the one tablespoon of butter in a saute pan. Add the finely chopped shallots until they are soft and clear around five minutes. Do not brown them. Add the white wine and lemon zest. Simmer until the wine is reduced fifty percent. Add the heavy whipping cream. stir and let simmer on low heat until reduced and the bubbles appear viscous and when you take a spoon, dip the back in the sauce, draw your finger across the spoon, if the sauce does not run across the line made by your finger, done. Turn off the flame. Using a whisk vigorously whip the butter into the sauce piece by piece, until it is completely incorporated. Adjust the salt and keep in a warm but not hot space.


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