
Thai Chicken Recipe

Thai BBQ Chicken

A delicious exotic grilled chicken, with ginger, garlic, coconut and just a hint of heat. Reminiscent of Thai street food! As an alternate try it with chicken wings!

1    whole chicken cut up into pieces or my preference eight chicken thighs

2    lemongrass stalks trimmed chopped

2    inches of fresh ginger chopped

4    shallots or ½ a small red onion chopped

6    garlic cloves smashed and chopped

½    bunch of cilantro chopped

1    tablespoon brown sugar

½     cup brown sugar 

2    tablespoons fish sauce

2    tablespoons soy sauce

1     fresh Thai green chile (prefered) or a serrano chile seeded and white pith removed. 

Prep chicken. Combine all other ingredients in a food processor or blender until well combined.

Marinate chicken for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight. Reserve marinade to baste the chicken during cooking.

Grill chicken using indirect heat until 165 degrees.  Serve with kime wedges and Thai chiles for the brave.

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